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Conservation Text | Rainforest Rescue is a nonprofit organization actively committed to preserving rainforests, protecting their inhabitants, and furthering social reforms. Rettet den Regenwald is a very effective German organization saving rainforests throughout the world thru support for indigenous people living in the rainforest
and online protest actions against deforestation Nous engageons afin de préserver les forêts tropicales pour les générations futures. Aktion Pfalzstorch. A Success story! Re-introduction, protection and maintenance of the white stork population in Palatina Germany. Sphenisco is a nonprofit organization actively committed to protecting the critically endangered Humboldt Penguin and their habitat. Sphenisco ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich für den Schutz der vom Aussterben bedrohten Humboldt Pinguine und ihres Lebensraums einsetzt. Orangutan Outreach, a New York-based non-profit organisation whose mission is to save the critically endangered orangutans and protect their rainforest home. BOS (Borneo Orangutan Survival) Deutschland, saving orangutans and sun bears in Borneo and re-introducing them to the rainforest. Wildlife SOS India is working to protect and conserve India`s natural heritage, forest and wildlife wealth. Rescuing Asian Elephants in India. Somboon Legacy’s purpose is to rescue and rehabilitate elephants from a life of stress and cruel exploitation. We want to be an example of the ethical change in the animal tourism industry, and offer a completely hands-off experience for our visitors. The Gibbon Rehabilitation Project is dedicated to the prevention of maltreatment of gibbons and slow lories and re-introduction of the white hand gibbon in Phuket, Thailand. Working as a research division of WARF(Wild Animal Rescue Foundation of Thailand). Saving the animals and their rainforest habitat.